Sunday, May 15, 2011

Update 15/05/2011

Feeling under the weather after having some fairly late nights, but I've managed to pull out a variety of concepts, and luckily the team are going with it, which means that everyone is happy and there shouldn't be too much delay for the rest of the concepts.

About the latest iteration:

So I'm trying to incorporate at least a couple of medieval legendary creatures, it won't be obvious, but cool if anyone is a keen on mythology i suppose.
Flattened the head to get it visually correct to an actual animal pelt, and changed it in another layer to what was known as a pantera, pantere....panther.
Made a different looking flagon, not accurate to a flagon back in the medieval era. Fattened the dagger to fit in with the art style, changed the belt buckle as well as trying a griffin beak (or phoenix, who's going to know?) to replace the buckle.
The boots have also been changed to have elements of a griffin, and even though it's not obvious, I'm thinking of colouring the fur off the leather gauntlets to resemble a crocotta.
Ooh! and to replace his arm straps, I've opted for the Ouroboros, known as being a wiggly thing from Resident Evil 5, this one goes off the description of the original legend.

Check out the links for the descriptions I've been following:

And the rest of the past iterations:

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