Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not so smooth

So juggling my Dominance War entry, assignments for my elective as well as writing like a mental person is proving very difficult. Consider this a reflection more that a complaint.
My Dominance War submission (Goddess of Joy) was originally getting me hyped up, however I keep getting stuck with thinking outside the box, so she looks like a regular person. This doesn't help when there are other deadlines, and when I can't break out of the habit to work at a quick sketching takes me ages to get something done. So it looks like this experiment will be a failed one, considering that there needs to be far more time and less stress needed to be able to pull out artwork that is at least a little interesting.
Which brings me to my exegesis writing. I'm not going to lie, I'm bad with writing, and the more I want to get one of my essays done, the more I lose motivation even though it revolves around the subject I love, researching about it and talking about it like a stuck up fine artist drives me up the wall. It doesn't help that particular lecturers and fellow honours students from other unrelated degrees seem to look down upon a person studies games design. It's just like high school again some days, it's what probably pushes me into my downward spiral of hate towards the exegesis is the feeling of no one being interested or giving a shit. Rant of the day complete.

If anyone has any good words of advice, or even something to cheer a bud up. Feel free to do so.

Updates on DW entry


  1. Hugs Kai Kai! If you want me to look over/ be your editor for writing stuffs you know I'm up for it. Just for you! Well and Nic too.

    Remember the first step is just to get your thoughts down, worry about arty farty language and making it good later.


  2. Thanks Simone, i'll try to keep that in all times :)
