Monday, April 4, 2011

Dominance War V update

So I've entered in this year's Dominance War V as an experiment towards my Honours. If you haven't heard of it, click here
The theme is 'Gods', meaning we can create any kind of god we want, and the competition has .It's my first time doing it, and so far it hasn't been smooth sailing. Trying to relax and draw is hard when juggling other assignments, but this week (hopefully) I'll be able to nail down a design I can start refining.
At first I was going for something along the lines of dark, tormented gods, which lead me onto doing ether a God of Depression or God of Wealth. But as of yesterday I was observing the concepts from the other contestants, and I noticed that most of them have a very similar design: Broad shoulders, lots of plating, crazy stuff coming out of the back, dark and scary. Then I thought "why try and do something that'll possibly blend in with the rest?"
So I've decided to do a more cheery god, and if it doesn't get anywhere near the finals, I'm super cool with that, cause I'm not expecting anything to come out of this besides experience.
So here are the initial scratchings:

And last night's idea, which has to be refined a lot more with added joy! Rainbows, unicorns, cherry pies and teddy bears. By the end I'll probably be sick with cuteness.

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