Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What a cute lil bugger...

Here is the weakest little enemy of the three that will be in Tyson's game, for now named 'Phoenix'.
Here's the description:

Recon Class Synthetic.
So as far as design goes it needs to appear as it is a fast runner able to attack quickly, but also have a sense of fragility to its overall design.
It's attack will be melee but overall its health/durability is rather weak.
The critters will attack with smaller front facing needles/pincers.
These will have a mode where they can tuck into themselves and hang from the roof, if the player goes under them, they drop down onto the player.
Earlier experiments into making recon synthetics lead to the development of these enemies. After the project went rogue and self replication was achieved, these calculating synths' rapidly grew in numbers. They wait and hide in the shadows for unsuspecting prey. While being rather fragile in a one on one fight, they use their sheer numbers to overwhelm opponents. 

And here it is in stages of being inactive, to how it transforms as it becomes active.


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