Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weapons and fabric eating moths

A rough idea of what weapons could possibly be used by the sock puppet. These weapons will be proportioned bigger that the original character to add cuteness. So far i've just sketched out the basic weapons that everyone is familiar with, as well as the Shuriken and a household makeshift weapons of the simple flammable aerosol can and a lighter.

As most of the enemies will be clothes, the flammable aerosol can and lighter will be able to combat any fabric that will ignite such as cotton undies or nylon bike pants.
As an additional level up type of system, the weapons could be upgraded to ridiculous but effective destroyers-of-evil, eg. flaming shurikens, shotgun revolver or rocket launcher that shoots fabric eating moths.

In the upcoming episodes, customising your sock and environment scenes.

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